Do you want to start a herb garden at home? Do you enjoy planting things in your garden and watching them grow into something beautiful that brings joy to your kitchen?
Growing herbs is not only easy but also very versatile when it comes to preparing meals. For this reason, herb gardens are becoming increasingly popular. Herb gardens are great for first-time gardeners who do not want to go through the hassle or expense of maintaining a larger garden plot. In this herb gardening guide for beginners, we go through the essentials you need to get started.
To start a herb garden at home you need to know a bit about the different types of herbs, what they need to grow and how to take care of them once they are planted.
Growing herbs indoors or outdoors depends on your particular needs and preferences. Many herbs can also be grown in both an indoor and outdoor garden with a few exceptions. Let’s look at a few different types of herb gardens and what they require.
Herb gardens require good, quality soil that has been enriched with nutrients to ensure optimum growth. Herbs can either be planted in the ground or in pots.
You can purchase a special mix or make your own at home using compost and other ingredients such as food waste from your kitchen. You will want to check on what particular herbs you are growing to see if they have any additional needs when it comes to the soil. Some plants require more acid soil while others prefer alkaline conditions.
Herb plants also need good drainage, so be sure to add stones or other material into the soil to help with this. Over time, soil becomes depleted of nutrients so it needs to be replaced with fresh soil every few years.

Indoors or outdoors? The best option is usually determined by where you live because some plants need lots of sun while others do well with partial sun – there are also plants that will grow just fine indoors. It’s very important to consider what the herb needs and plant accordingly.
If you’re planting indoors all you will need is a sunny corner for your seeds or young plants to sit in once they sprout – otherwise you can grow them under fluorescent lights. Make sure there’s plenty of room between the little seedlings so they don’t compete for nutrients and space.
Temperature and humidity
Herb gardens are also very sensitive to temperature conditions, so if you live in an area that stays below freezing during the winter months, where your herbs may freeze, you will need to make sure they are protected with mulch or some other material that retains heat.
When growing herbs from seeds they should be planted in a little bit of moist soil – not dry or overly wet – and then covered with a thin layer of mulch material such as straw to retain moisture. Once your seedlings have started growing, remove the mulch to prevent overheating and grubs from becoming an issue. In the event that it gets too hot, you can always shade your herb garden with a piece of plywood or another lightweight object.
If you are starting your herb garden from seedlings, seeds that have sprouted, they need the same treatment until they are big enough to plant outside near their permanent homes (if they will be staying).
Before this process begins, you will want to acclimate your young plants to outdoor conditions by having them spend a few days outside during the day and bringing them inside at night to protect them from harsh weather conditions.
If you are not experienced in the art of herb gardening, growing from seed is your best bet. Starting with young plants can be expensive and require a more skilled hand on some herbs such as basil.

Pots and containers for your herbs
Herb gardens can also include various types of container plants such as hanging pots, outdoor woven baskets with holes in the bottom for drainage, and other similar options.
Herb plants that grow well in containers do not like spending time in wet soil, so be sure that the potting soil is porous enough to allow excess water to drain out after you give it a good watering.
Indoor herb garden
Container gardening can be used for growing herbs indoors or outdoors. Some people set up a sunny windowsill herb garden in the kitchen so it is eas also be grown in a vertical wall garden. You can even buy herb garden kits with everything you need to get started. This one comes with a LED grow light.
Indoor gardening is fun and great to get the kids involved. Just ensure you have well-drained soil to keep your herbs happy.
Watering your herbs
Herb gardens should be kept constantly moist but not wet. This allows the roots to grow freely and does not cause any type of disease from fungi or bacteria.
Do not let your potted herbs dry up completely between waterings either – this will cause root rot and kill your plants.
Watering every day or two is good practice if the weather is dry, but most importantly, your herb garden must be fertilized regularly.
Fertilizer for herbs
A herb plant will last longer when fertilized about once a month using fertilizer specially made for vegetables and herbs. You can purchase fertilizer at any nursery or home improvement store or make your own fertilizer.
I prefer to use organic fertilizer in my herb garden because it has no chemicals to damage plant roots or leave residue on the leaves that could become poisonous if consumed.

Herb gardenning for beginner tips for planning your herb garden
When deciding where you want to place your herb garden:
– Find out how much space you have available and the amount of sunlight. This will help you pick your herbs and varieties.
– look for an area that gets plenty of sun (but not too much)
– consider the soil conditions and if you need to improve them
– do not plant in areas with extreme heat or cold unless you are prepared for your plants to die
– find an area that is protected from wind gusts – this will keep your herb garden looking fresh and prevent damage
– It all starts with proper research and planning before planting anything. Knowing which herbs do well together will help keep your herb garden healthy and looking good.
– Keep in mind that many herb plants need a lot of room to grow, so do not plant them too close together or they will compete for nutrients from the soil. They can always be pruned or thin
Herb gardens can easily be expanded by just planting more herbs! It’s important to note that whatever type of herb gardening method you use, it will require regular care.
What is your intention for growing a herb garden?
Do you want to grow culinary herbs or a medicinal herb garden? Do you want to grow herbs for their aroma? Some people plant a fragrant herb outside to enhance an entertaining area?
Depending on your intention will determine which herbs you plant, where to plant them, and how to take care of your herb garden.

What culinary herbs do you want to plant?
If you love cooking, it’s time to think about what culinary herbs you want to plant in your garden. Herbs are a great addition to any outdoor or indoor space because they add beauty and flavor all at once! Here is a list of some of the best culinary herbs that will be sure to please:
1) Parsley – This one is a classic herb with an earthy flavor that pairs well with almost anything. Not only can it spice up salads, soups, and stews but it also makes for a healthy snack on its own when harvested young. In fact, parsley contains more vitamin C than oranges! It also helps eliminate toxins from the body so this is definitely one herb worth growing if you have children or pets around your home.
2) Basil – This aromatic herb can be used to add a burst of flavor in any dish from pasta sauce, pesto, and salad dressing! It’s also great just to add a sprig here and there because it smells so good. Basils come in many varieties ranging from purple to green or even striped. Grow this one near your tomatoes for a natural repellant that keeps the pesky insects away. It will also repel mice too so if you have a problem with them in your garden, then grow basil!
3) Oregano – This herb is what gives Italian dishes that classic flavor. It’s great for marinara sauce, soups and stews, and spaghetti. If you find yourself eating a lot of Italian food, then growing oregano is a no-brainer. It’s also great for teas and sachets so if you want to add another herb in your garden that doubles as decoration, try growing oregano.
4) Thyme – This delicate and flavorful foliage can be used in most dishes with white meats like chicken, fish, and pork. Many people use thyme for pickling vegetables too! This is another herb that can be used to make delicious teas or sachets so consider adding this herb to your indoor or outdoor garden if you like cooking with herbs.

5) Cilantro – This fresh herb is commonly used in Mexican cuisine to enhance the flavor of tacos, egg dishes, and salsa. However, this herb has an intense taste but it is very good for you! Cilantro is actually great at detoxifying the body so if you have any heavy metals or toxins in your system then growing cilantro is a must.
6) Rosemary – This fragrant and beautiful herb smells like pine and pairs well with meat, bread, and cheese. It can also be used to make lovely tea or sachets if you want another herb to grow indoors or out. Plus, it attracts butterflies so this would definitely be a great addition to your herb garden.
7) Mint – This herb is very versatile in the kitchen because you can add it to many different dishes like salads, soups, sauces, and even desserts! It may be invasive though so don’t plant mint near any other herbs or flowers unless you want them all to smell great. You can also use mint for tea or sachets for natural air fresheners like these ones.
Which herb do you use in the kitchen the most?
Many people have a favorite herb they use the most in their cooking. I love to use cilantro because it is so versatile and can be added to almost any dish. I love using it in guacamole, scrambled eggs, stir-fries & curries. It’s also very healthy which makes it even better!
Have a think about what herb you buy the most at the grocery store and start your herb garden growing that herb. Before I started my herb garden I used to find myself buying bunches of cilantro and parsley all the time. Now I can snip them off from my herb garden whenever I need them.

What plants do you grow or hope to grow in your medicinal herb garden?
Some people might think this is a silly question, but I love to grow medicinal herbs in my garden for health purposes. They are great to make herbal tea.
Some are more popular than others but they all have their own unique properties and attributes.
– Dandelions
– St. John’s Wort
– Chamomile
– Lavender
– Echinacea
– Lemon balm (useful when someone has insomnia or anxiety),
– garlic chives (they’re great if you don’t want your family members near you when they have a cold)
The list goes on! You can grow these herbs in separate containers or mix them into your garden together. They will still look great and you’ll be amazed at how much they benefit your health. What medicinal herbs do you hope to plant in your herb garden?
There are all sorts of reasons why people like growing herbs- it can be fun, you get fresh air and exercise, and it’s good for the environment. I hope you feel more confident after reading this herb gardening for beginners guide. Herb gardens are beautiful and practical additions to your home. Give them a shot, you won’t regret it!
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